
Meet Your Bra Consultant

Hi Ladies!

I am a full time bra consultant during the day, and a writer during the night.

My goal is to help you choose the correct fitting bra every time you go bra shopping.  I am willing to share with you everything I know, everything I’ve learned, and everything I am learning so that you no longer have to sag, jiggle, fall out, be poked, stabbed, bruised, and be in constant pain.

It is time for you to learn how to love your body, and  how to love wearing a bra that lifts, supports, is comfortable, pretty, and makes all of your clothes look absolutely fabulous!!

Right now, I am writing a book that will help all women choose the correct fitting bra every time you decide to go lingerie shopping.  I will let everyone know when the book is finished, published and where you can get your copy.

Enjoy your visit and thanks for stopping by.

Your personal bra consultant,

Debra 🙂

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